Beyond Pixels, Beyond Expectations: Adsmen, Like Neva B4
How to scale your business using Facebook Lead Ads
There’s no doubt the internet has made communication easier, and social media has now become the central point for most people. As a business owner, why not take advantage of the platform most people spend their time on to grow your business?
In this training, I will show you how to do exactly that. You’ll learn
How to structure your ads
How to do ad research
Why boosting doesn't work
How to structure campaigns
When to use open targeting
How to allocate budgets
Free Lesson Resource for Every Lesson
How Facebook Ads Work
This lesson will help you understand how Facebook ads work and how we will be getting results. Refer to the resources bellow for more information
This lesson will help you understand what the business manager is, how to optimize your business setting and so on. Refer to the resources bellow for more information
This lesson will help you understand what the ads manager is, which campaign objectives we will be using and so on. Refer to the resources bellow for more information
This lesson will help you understand what funnels and offers, also why research is important in running ads. Refer to the resources bellow for more information
This lesson will help you understand the components of your ad and how to structure your ads to get better results. Refer to the resources bellow for more information
Want To Start Getting Results As Soon As Possible?
We’d love to schedule a discovery call with you to see how we can help you get results as soon as possible. Click the purple “Let’s schedule a meeting” button to get started
module 3
Campaigns & Creatives
This lesson will help you understand my decision making framework when running ads. Refer to the resources bellow for more information
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Penatibus himenaeos montes volutpat feugiat felis nisi auctor quis urna sed eleifend consequat quam curae facilisi ultrices ultricies pretium lobortis platea lorem dictum eros class